Software release

This page provides a list of the necessary versions of node software and instructions on how to keep them updated.

Our latest releases, notes and changelogs can be found on Github. op-node releases can be found here and op-erigon release can be found here.

Required Version by Network

These are the minimal required versions for the op-node, op-erigon and op-geth by network.


Boba Mainnet

Boba Sepolia

Op Mainnet

Op Sepolia

Boba Bnb Testnet


This is a mandatory release for node operators on Boba Sepolia and Boba BNB Testnet networks. The Fjord protocol upgrades will activate on Tue Jul 30 2024 00:00:00 UTC 2024 on Boba Sepolia and Boba BNB Testnet networks.

The op-node needs the flag --plasma.enabled=false to start it.

Required Action

Upgrade your op-node software and add the --plasma.enabled=false to the configuration.


This is a mandatory release for node operators on Boba Sepolia and Boba BNB Testnet networks. The Fjord protocol upgrades will activate on Tue Jul 30 2024 00:00:00 UTC 2024 on Boba Sepolia and Boba BNB Testnet networks.

Required Action

Upgrade your op-erigon software.


This is a mandatory release for node operators on Op networks and Boba Sepolia and Boba BNB Testnet works.

Required Action

  • Upgrade your op-geth software.

  • Add --override.fjord=1722297600 for the Boba Sepolia and Boba BNB Testnet networks when you start it for the first time.


This is a mandatory release for node operators on Boba Mainnet network. The Anchorage upgrades will activate on Apr 16 2024 21:27:59 UTC 2024 on Boba Mainnet network.

Required Action

Upgrade your op-node software.


This is a mandatory release for node operators on Boba Mainnet network. The Anchorage upgrades will activate on Apr 16 2024 21:27:59 UTC 2024 on Boba Mainnet network.

Required Action

Upgrade your op-erigon software.


This is a mandatory release for node operators on Op networks.

Required Action

  • Upgrade your op-geth software.

Last updated