The Bundler can be run with custom configuration as per the networks requirement. The configuration is through options (or env vars) provided to the bundler while spining it up - and the ways to specify these are - either through a) (reccommended) the env variables when running the script , see b) or through a file workdir/bundler.config.json
The Bundler also has defaults set for certain parameters, the current defaults can be seen/set here
But, its important to rememeber the following order of precedence while specifying configurations:
Shell vars > config file > defaults
The complete list of configuration variables that can be customized
beneficiary: ow.string, // account that will receive fees, if any
entryPoint: ow.string, // entryPoint contract
entryPointWrapper: ow.optional.string, // entryPoint wrapper contract
gasFactor: ow.string,
minBalance: ow.string,
mnemonic: ow.string, //mnemonic file or private key
network: ow.string, // l2 network
port: ow.string, // port to run on
unsafe: ow.boolean, // flag to enable no storage or opcode checks
conditionalRpc: ow.boolean, // flag to use eth_sendRawTransactionConditional RPC)
whitelist: ow.optional.array.ofType(ow.string),
blacklist: ow.optional.array.ofType(ow.string),
maxBundleGas: ow.number, // max Bundle Gas available to use
minStake: ow.string, // min stake an account needs to have multiple pending requests
minUnstakeDelay: ow.number, // unstake delay to withdrawa stake
autoBundleInterval: ow.number, // time to wait before sending a bundle
autoBundleMempoolSize: ow.number, // bundle size to wait for before sending a bundle
addressManager: ow.string, // address manager contract address
l1NodeWeb3Url: ow.string, // l1 rpc
enableDebugMethods: ow.boolean, // flag to enable debug methods on bundler
l2Offset: ow.optional.number, // l2 block the bundler watches from, defaults to 0
logsChunkSize: ow.optional.number, // the maximum permissble eth_getLogs range supported by the network, defaults to 5000
Note- EntryPointWrapper is a requirement for the bundler when it is run against Boba Network - since the sdk also supports v2 of the Boba Network which did not support custom errors.
The EntryPointWrapper routes the following calls, which the bundler needs in order to operate:
getSenderAddress() and includes the following helper methods-