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Using the Light Bridge

The light bridge allows you to bridge particular assets into any direction that has been whitelisted. At the day of writing it is the fastest and most convenient way to bridge assets on Boba.

How to use LightBridge?

  1. Head over to the Gateway
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. Select "Light Bridge" in the tabs
  4. Happy bridging!


How does it work?

From a birds-eye perspective we do have 3 components:

  1. The User interacting with the user-interface such as the Gateway DApp,
  2. The Smart Contracts (Proxy + Implementation contract) and
  3. The Backend

The Flow

  1. The User deposits the funds to be bridged onto the Smart Contract.
  2. The Smart Contract issues the AssetReceived event.
  3. The Backend Service distributes funds on the destination network by calling the Smart Contract.
  4. For some networks you might receive some free gas to conduct 1-2 transactions. Please check Gas Airdrop

In-Depth Flow


Supported Routes

A Route is just a fancy name for defining what asset can be bridged to which network. So let's dive in.

<-> = bi-directional, bridging in both directions possible -> = uni-directional, bridging only in one direction possible

Minor note: The routes and limits also apply to testnet.


BOBA can bridged between the following networks. For your convenience, we've added the chainId in brackets.

  1. BOBA BNB Mainnet (56288) <-> BNB Mainnet (56)
  2. BOBA BNB Mainnet (56288) <-> BOBA ETH Mainnet (288)
  3. ETH Mainnet (1) <-> BOBA ETH Mainnet (288)
  4. BOBA ETH Mainnet (288) <-> BNB Mainnet (56)

Limits for bridging BOBA

  • Minimum Amount to be bridged: 20 BOBA
  • Maximum Amount to be bridged: 20 000 BOBA
  • Maximum Amount to be bridged per day & per route (for all users combined): 40 000 BOBA


These are the supported routes for BNB.

  1. BOBA BNB Mainnet (56288) <-> BNB Mainnet (56)

Limits for bridging BNB

  • Minimum Amount to be bridged: 0.01 BNB
  • Maximum Amount to be bridged: 2 BNB
  • Maximum Amount to be bridged per day & per route (for all users combined): 6 BNB


ETH can be bridged from and to these networks.

  1. Arbitrum One (42161) -> BOBA ETH Mainnet (288)
  2. Optimism Mainnet (10) -> BOBA ETH Mainnet (288)
  3. ETH Mainnet (1) <-> BOBA ETH Mainnet (288)

Limits for bridging ETH

  • Minimum Amount to be bridged: 0.01 ETH
  • Maximum Amount to be bridged: 2 ETH
  • Maximum Amount to be bridged per day & per route (for all users combined): 6 ETH

Gas Airdrop

If you bridge from ETH Mainnet to either BOBA ETH or BOBA BNB Mainnet you might receive some gas if you match certain conditions.

Along with the source network being ETH Mainnet you need to fulfill the following:

  • have less than 0.5 BOBA on Boba BNB (since BOBA is native there) or 0.0005 ETH on Boba ETH,
  • bridge a non-native asset. Means if you bridge BOBA from Boba Ethereum to Boba BNB you will not receive gas, since BOBA is the native asset on Boba BNB,
  • must not have received an airdrop in the last 24h.

How to Bridge programmatically

You can bridge any asset listed in the Supported Routes section this way.


const L1Provider = new ethers.providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(L1_NODE_WEB3_URL)
const L1Wallet = new ethers.Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY).connect(L1Provider)

const Proxy__LightBridge = new ethers.Contract(

// Approve amounts IF you want to bridge a token
const approveTx = await BobaTokenContract.approve(Proxy__LightBridge.address, depositAmount)
await approveTx.wait()

// Deposit asset
const depositTx = await Proxy__LightBridge.teleportAsset(
bobaTokenAddress, // if you want to bridge ETH or BNB (or BOBA on Boba BNB) then provide the Zero-Address: 0x0000..0000
destinationChainId, // e.g. 288
await depositTx.wait()


Here are the contract deployments for all networks. The most up-to-date version can be seen here.

Mainnet deployments

Ethereum Mainnet (L1)

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x3f7Da9C51138E0475aA26E80677d27A568cFD6b9
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x2dE73Bd1660Fbf4D521a52Ec2a91CCc106113801

Optimism Mainnet

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x3f7Da9C51138E0475aA26E80677d27A568cFD6b9
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x2dE73Bd1660Fbf4D521a52Ec2a91CCc106113801

Arbitrum Mainnet

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x3f7Da9C51138E0475aA26E80677d27A568cFD6b9
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x2dE73Bd1660Fbf4D521a52Ec2a91CCc106113801

Boba ETH Mainnet

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x670b130112C6f03E17192e63c67866e67D77c3ee
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x0dfFd3Efe9c3237Ad7bf94252296272c96237FF5

BSC Mainnet

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x670b130112C6f03E17192e63c67866e67D77c3ee
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x0dfFd3Efe9c3237Ad7bf94252296272c96237FF5

BSC Boba Mainnet

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x45B9877497d73C683D38e0C7FfCf089D5D9FDCDf
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x670b130112C6f03E17192e63c67866e67D77c3ee

Testnet deployments

Sepolia (L1)

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x6550b0B7e3D2dD0E0382E0638B0f56F614921CA5
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0xaeE12b8D99BBff7ED47866DF868CF5b4b3F73ffF

BNB Testnet (L1)

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0xD151c8F0dc69618e6180a2dC74B05cCE3E08e0aC
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x7f6a32bCaA70c65E08F2f221737612F6fC18347A

Boba Sepolia

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x3f7Da9C51138E0475aA26E80677d27A568cFD6b9
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x2dE73Bd1660Fbf4D521a52Ec2a91CCc106113801
  • Disburser transferred to AWS KMS managed wallet on 3 March 2024: 0x48b722d8b1cdf5ebdaeb3f06f85d2560dc5d373a

Boba BNB Testnet

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x46FA6144C61d2bb9aCDc3Ca90C8673dd9B6caEB2
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0xf4d179d3a083Fa3Eede935FaF4C679D32d514186

Arbitrum Sepolia

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x4f7E3fF7B52e9843097A8CB3F1b083a8fF6f8c9b
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x3fc06c53aa3Ef19ad7830f5F18C9186C676EdE29

Optimism Sepolia

  • LightBridge deployed to: 0x4f7E3fF7B52e9843097A8CB3F1b083a8fF6f8c9b
  • Proxy__LightBridge deployed to: 0x3fc06c53aa3Ef19ad7830f5F18C9186C676EdE29