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Boba BNB Network Contract Addresses

Boba BNB Testnet (9728) for the BNB Testnet (97)

Testnet Bridging

The standard bridges for BNB and BOBA are active, so you can can both bridge and exit BNB and BOBA from BNB testnet to Boba BNB testnet and back. The exit delay (the fraud proof window) has been set to 5 minutes (it's normally 7 days) to make development easier.

Analytics and eth_getLogs for Boba BNB Testnet

If you have unusual getLogs needs, especially calls from 0 to latest, the main RPC will block you, since this is how most DoS attacks work. In those cases, we encourage you to run your own RPC endpoint on your own replica of Boba BNB testnet. We have prepared Docker images for you, so this should only take a few minutes. To access these images:

  • clone the boba repo

  • switch to develop branch.

  • Add .env in boba-node folder


The docker-compose file is in boba-community/boba-node/docker-compose-bobabnb-testnet.yml.

docker compose -f docker-compose-bobabnb-testnet.yml pull
docker compose -f docker-compose-bobabnb-testnet.yml up

The DTL will first sync with the chain. During the sync, you will see the DTL and Replica gradually catch up with the Boba L2. This can take several minutes to several hours, depending on which chain you are replicating.

Boba BNB Testnet Addresses

For primary contracts and addresses see packages/contracts/deployments/bobabnbtestnet/

For secondary addresses, such as L2 Tokens and Messengers, please see the Boba BNB testnet address registration dump.

For account abstraction contract addresses, please refer the list here.


This endpoint is not for production systems and is rate limited.

We have partnered with Tenderly, which provides subscription endpoints and public endpoints (public endpoints are IP rate limited; subscribe to Tenderly if you need more):

Replica RPC
AA bundler
Gas Cap50000000

Boba BNB L2 (56288) for the BNB L1 (56)

Analytics and eth_getLogs for Boba BNB

To access these images:

  • clone the boba repo

  • switch to develop branch.

  • Add .env in boba-node folder


The Boba BNB's docker-compose file is in boba-community/boba-node/docker-compose-bobabnb.yml

docker compose -f docker-compose-bobabnb.yml pull
docker compose -f docker-compose-bobabnb.yml up

Boba BNB Addresses

For primary contracts and addresses see packages/contracts/deployments/bobabnb/

For secondary addresses, such as L2 Tokens and Messengers, please see the Boba BNB address registration dump.


This endpoint is not for production systems and is rate limited.

We have partnered with Tenderly, which that provides subscription endpoints and public endpoints (public endpoints are IP rate limited, subscribe to Tenderly if you need more):
Gas Cap50000000